Train de vie - Blogue - PMA Assurance

Vous entamez la vie d'adulte? Vous êtes des parents à la recherche de petits coups de pouce? Ou vous êtes tout simplement curieux?
Nous avons ici des trucs, astuces et inspirations pour vous faciliter la vie!

Having a smart home is just plain smart

The home of the future is no longer a dream. Today, there are countless products on the market with wireless capabilities, allowing you to control the lighting, music or heat in your home with a single touch or simple voice command. You can even wake up every morning to the sweet smell of a latte prepared just the way you like it! In fact, Marty McFly’s futuristic home in Back to the Future Part II is closer than you might think.

4 steps to reduce your carbon footprint

Global warming and the climate crisis: it’s never been more urgent to reduce our carbon footprint. It’s not always easy to keep a cool head when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. That’s why it’s helpful to remember the many simple habits – like recycling, composting, and reusing cups and bags – that we’ve applied over the years and are now part of our everyday life. In recent years, there’s been a shift towards more responsible consumption, which includes reusing items and buying local. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated this shift. Want to do more? Here are four effective steps you can take to reduce the carbon footprint of your homes and travels.